What a grinch!

I watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the one with Jim Carrey) recently and got inspired by both that and the fact that there have been reports of people stealing Christmas decorations and presents a lot this year.

First of all, that Grinch movie is an absolute favourite of mine.

Second of all… the nerve of some people, eh?

Regardless, if you have any last-minute Christmas gifts coming today, keep an eye out! You don’t want a scenario like the one above. And make sure to watch things that make you happy this year, too. That movie always does it for me.

Merry Christmas, everyone! And to those that don’t celebrate, happy holidays and have a wonderful weekend!


It’s not Rudolph – it’s just a very festive lanternfly. I want to start drawing bugs a lot more, and I thought this would be a good way to start. (I’m a bit of a bug nerd.😋)

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and goodwill to all! I hope your day is a fantastic one. 🎄